martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Title and Rating Regulations

Dear Chess Friends,

Please find attached Title and Rating Regulations which will come into
effect starting from 1st July 2009.

Please note that there have been some minor amendments since
the email of March 17th.

Title Regulations
Rating Regulations

Directory Elista FIDE Office

ACUERDO No. 01-2009

ACUERDO No. 01-2009

El Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Nacional de Ajedrez de Honduras (FENAH), referente a la modificación del valor de la membresía de los afiliados de las diferentes Ligas de Ajedrez del país, informa que en acuerdo del comité ejecutivo decidió lo siguiente:

Considerando: que corresponde al comité ejecutivo de La FENAH velar por el desarrollo del ajedrez nacional y tomar las medidas que promuevan el buen desenvolvimiento de nuestro deporte.

Considerando: Que tenemos más de veinte (20) años que el valor de la membresía anual que pagan los miembros de la FENAH, no se ha modificado y que en la actualidad se ha mantenido hasta el año 2008 en cincuenta (50) lempiras, y que este valor no responde a las necesidades apremiantes de nuestro deporte, y por lo tanto no es posible resolver los más urgentes problemas y obligaciones de nuestro deporte.

Considerando: Que anualmente hay que cancelar la cuota de la FENAH ante la Federación Internacional de Ajedrez (FIDE) y que en muchas ocasiones no se ha podido realizar este pago por falta de fondos.

Considerando: Que de no estar al día con la FIDE perdemos todos los derechos y beneficios derivados de esta obligación, como ser: Inscripción en el ELO FIDE, Emisión de Títulos, Cursos de Entrenamiento, Cursos de Arbitraje Y otros.


Modificar el valor de la membresía a partir del año 2009 de acuerdo a la siguiente tabla:
Categoría del Afiliado, Membresía Anual
Miembros del Comité Ejecutivo, Lps. 200.00
Miembro de Junta Directiva de Ligas, Lps. 175.00
Jugadores mayores de 18 años, Lps. 150.00
Jugadores juveniles entre 14 y 17 años, Lps. 100.00
Jugadores menores de 14 años, Lps. 50.00

La Vigencia de la Membresía es del 1ero de Enero hasta el 31 de Diciembre de cada año referente.

Para Miembros con Antigüedad estos valores, deberán ser cancelado antes del 30 de Junio del 2009 y para los años subsiguientes el pago de esta membresía deberá hacerse efectivo a la FENAH dentro de los primeros dos (2) meses del año. De lo contrario habrá aplicación de una multa de L.25.00 por cada 3 meses de retraso o fracción de ese periodo, hasta efectuar el pago correspondiente.

Para nuevos Afiliados los valores presentados en la tabla deberán ser cancelados en el primer momento de su Inscripción.

No se aceptara la participación de ningún atleta que no se encuentre al día con su membrecía, en eventos organizados por las ligas de ajedrez o por la FENAH.

Ningún evento que tenga jugadores con esta cuota pendiente por parte de algún participante será tomado en cuenta para el cálculo del ELO nacional, hasta que no se ponga al día con la inscripción.

Todos los valores recaudados en concepto de membresía serán depositados, con el fin de cancelar la membresía de la FIDE.

El presente acuerdo entrara en vigencia a partir de su Publicación en cualquiera de las Paginas Web reconocidas por la FENAH.



Tegucigalpa M.D.C. 26 de Abril 2009.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

New Regulations for the Titles of Arbiter

Dear chess friends,

The new Regulations for the Titles of Arbiter, that had been approved by the FIDE General Assembly in Dresden and confirmed by the FIDE Presidential Board in Istanbul, are already published on the FIDE website.

For your further information I send you these regulations in the attached file.

As you can understand, apart from the change of the name “Arbiters’ Council” to “Arbiters’ Commission”,the main change is article 3.5, and article 3.9. According to these articles, in the requirements for the title of FA has been included the attendance of one FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar and the successful passing (at least 80) of an examination test set by the Arbiters’ Commission.

This article will be in effect from 1 July 2009.

So after 1 July 2009 an Arbiter, in order to be awarded the title of FA, will need at least three (3) norms from tournaments and one (1) norm from a Seminar. Some clarifications regarding the format of the tournaments have been included, while World and Continental Rapid Championships are considered as valid for norms for FA title (art. 3.8). Some additions like articles 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11 are already in effect, as they have been already approved by the FIDE General Assemblies and Executive Boards in 2006 and 2007.

I would like to draw your attention to the correct filling of the applications forms that are needed for the titles of Arbiters (articles 5 and 6 of the Regulations). IT3 form (Tournament Report Form) is a very important form that confirms the participation of the Arbiter in the specific event. So it is necessary to write the names of all the Arbiters of the tournament (and not only the name of the Chief and the Deputy Chief Arbiter) and Elista Office must also include all the names of the Arbiters in the TRF of the tournament on the FIDE website.

IA1 (FA1) and IA2 (FA2) forms must be signed by the authorized for this persons and IA2 (FA2) form must be stamped by the applicant’s Federation. In case that the forms are not correctly filled, the Commission may reject the application (and then the Federation has to submit it again), or may accept it conditionally (and then the Federation has to send additional information).

Article 7 includes Annex1 (Regulations for the training of the chess arbiters) and Annex 1a (List of Lecturers for the FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars). So any Federation that wishes to organize a FIDE Arbiters’ Seminar can find the relevant information and requirements.

Article 8 includes Annex 2 (Regulations for the classification of the arbiters).

Next to the previous circular letter of the Arbiters’ Commission, I would kindly remind you to send to the Arbiters’ Commission (Chairman Pan. Nikolopoulos,, Secretary Dirk De Ridder, , Councilor W. Stubenvoll, ) your proposals regarding the classification of your International (IA) and FIDE Arbiters (FA), according to the regulations of Annex2.

As the next FIDE Congress is scheduled for the end of September, you are kindly requested to send your proposals until 15 July 2009.

With best regards
IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos
FIDE Arbiters’ Commission

Catalán Chess Circuit


Once again the Summer Catalan Chess Circuit of Open Tournaments will start soon; this will be the sixth edition of the biggest chess party in the World.
From May to September every year the Catalan Chess Circuit, which is composed of 28 International Tournaments, will be held in Spain, extended beyond Catalonia.

In 2009 there will be 14 Opens with traditional time control to be played within 9 – 10 days, as well as 14 Opens in Rapid Chess, played within 1 – 2 days (see Tournament Calendar).

During 120 days of tournamens, in total there will be played 22.000 chess games with some selected ones broadcasted live on the internet. Approximate number of participants will be 3.000 players representing more than 30 different countries. The prize fund will reach 175.000 euros.

Apart from the traditional tournament prizes, the Catalan Chess Federation establishes a special classification composed of player´s results in each Circuit tournament, based on which players will be able to claim such special Circuit Prizes as General Final Standings, Prizes by Categories, Specific Prizes for best Catalan Players.

Prizegiving Ceremony will be held at Fiesta Catalana (Catalan Chess Party), on September, 27th, 2009 (also see PRIZES).

For more information please contact the Catalonia Chess Federation on or visit the official website: